Sunday, 26 August 2012

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Most of us need the eggs

I made some tissue paper pom poms! I'm going to decorate my flat with loads of them.
I also bought Annie Hall on DVD, which is great.
Anyway I'm going to go make some cakes now... I'm in no mood to do anything but eat cake...and maybe decoupage something.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

BE the football captain

I just checked my emails and found I had a newsletter from Dazed Digital about their Meadham Kirchhoff take-over! yay!

Today they've posted their youtube playlists and a bit about why they like them etc. I've only watched the first on so far, but it was so good that I had to share it!

I really liked it when she said "Do not hurt yourself, destroy yourself, mangle yourself to get the football captain. Be the football captain. That's it, it's that simple." This kinda reminded me the part in Whip It when Bliss tells the Roller Derby team that they are her heroes, and they tell her to "be your own hero". I think that's a really good motto, or mantra, or whatever you want to call it.
There's been a lot of talk about role models during the olympics, and while you should be inspired by other people, learn from them and look up to them, I think that ultimately you shouldn't idolize people. You should be your own role model.
Anyway, I'm going to watch the rest of the videos, which can be found here.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

King of Rome

I just heard this recording of the King of Rome performed by The Unthanks at the Folk Awards. It's so beautiful. I don't really know what to say other than you have to watch it.

In the west end of Derby lives a working man,
He says "I can't fly but me pigeons can,
And when I set them free
It's just like part of me
Gets lifted up on shining wings"

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Sweet Shine

I'm home! And what was waiting for me on the doormat when I returned? Only a shiny new metallic fringe decoration-thingy! For the moment I have hung it up in a window where it glimmers softly in the afternoon sun, reflecting pools of gold onto the walls. Obviously that doesn't really come through in these photographs, but it's beautiful.

Both from my instagram, username: annabel92
I might do a post soon on my holiday, but for now I shall relax.